Category: Juan Rodulfo

Act of Kindness

#motivationalspeech #inspirationalcoaching #personalgrowth #motivation #inspiration #coaching #fortunecookies #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #successmindset #positivethinking #goalsetting #resilience I stand before you today to share a powerful message that can change the world. It revolves around a simple yet profound idea: Your random act of kindness today will spread quickly to others. In a world that often seems consumed by …

Act of KindnessRead More

Who respects the speed limits on highways?

Who respects the speed limits on highways?

#speedlimits #efficiency #personalresponsibility #fluidtrafficflow #shortertraveltimes This article is published on Juan Rodulfo. To read the original article, click here. Introduction Highways are essential transportation arteries that facilitate economic growth, connect communities, and provide efficient travel routes for individuals. However, the debate surrounding speed limits on highways has garnered significant attention. In this article, we will …

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Manual para Gorilas 9 Reglas para ser el Dictador “fer-pecto” de Juan Rodulfo

The War in Ukraine and the Manual for Gorillas

Authoritarianism is expanding at a fast pace by Juan Rodulfo The attack on the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and the intentions of Wladimir Putin to invade and control Ukraine are clear signs that powerful circles around the planet are working hard to eliminate democracy and freedom. In the Book: Manual for Gorillas: 9 …

The War in Ukraine and the Manual for GorillasRead More

Para Español Oprima 2 Speaking Spanish in times of Xenophobia by Juan Rodulfo

Who is immigrant and who is National?

Para Español Oprima 2: Speaking Spanish in times of Xenophobia by Juan Rodulfo Since the Evolution Theory comes with the cell growing and evolving from it through Earlier Apes (Nakalipithecus), Ouranophitecus (Gorilla Split) , Sahelanthropus (Possibly Bipedal), Orrorin (Chimpanzee Split), in the Hominini Stage Miocene Age, then the Homo Habilis Stage of the Pliocene Age …

Who is immigrant and who is National?Read More


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